GET Solutions, Inc. has fully equipped soil and concrete laboratories located in each of our four offices. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has inspected and certified our laboratories. Our Virginia Beach and Williamsburg laboratories are AASHTO accredited and the concrete laboratories have obtained accreditation. In addition, both of these laboratories are enrolled in Proficiency Sample Testing programs coordinated through AASHTO.

We also have complete facilities for plant control, construction quality control, and materials design, including concrete, asphalt, soils, and soil-cement. In the area of compaction control, we utilize sand cone and nuclear densitometers for density testing, together with compaction equipment for determination of laboratory moisture-density relationships. Field and laboratory testing equipment is on hand for pavement, base and subgrade analysis.
Our laboratories contain facilities for moist-curing and storage of field-prepared concrete cylinders in accordance with ASTM E 329.